Resources and Links
Affordable Spay and Medical Care Options
Adopters need to be prepared for the normal veterinary fees that are part of owning a pet and aware injuries and illnesses can be pricey.
Pre-Adoption Checklist
Information needed to process your application.
Legal Name, Address, Driver's License or State ID #, Employer name
Housing Type (e.g., single family home, condo, apartment, dorm. Names and ages of all residents in the home.
Rental or Own, time in place of residence. If rental, landlord contact information or copy of lease showing pets accepted in unit.
Previous experience with cats. Have you dealt with medical or behavioral issues in the past?
Existing pets, type, age, are they indoor/outdoor, indoor only, or do you have a secured "catio"?
Current veterinary information, if any.
Three personal references the shelter can contact.